

hanjunhao 2025-03-20 抖音 30 次瀏覽 0個評論


Highlights of the Report to the 13th Beijing Municipal Congress of the Communist Party of China


The theme of the Congress



Hold high the banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, redouble efforts to promote the development of Beijing as the capital of the nation in the new era, and strive to lead the country in basically achieving socialist modernization.


Our work in the past five years



We have kept in mind Beijing's strategic role as China's capital and continuously strengthened this role of the city.



We have made greater headway in pursuing coordinated Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei development by relocating functions non-essential to Beijing's role as the capital.

● 成為全國第一個減量發(fā)展的超大城市

Beijing has become the first super-large city in China that has achieved growth with reduced input.


Development of the Beijing Municipal Administrative Center (BMC) has been advanced in a well-planned way. We have fully supported the development of the Xiong'an New Area in Hebei Province.



Guided by the new development philosophy, we have taken solid steps to pursue high-quality development.

● 數(shù)字經(jīng)濟增加值占地區(qū)生產(chǎn)總值比重超四成

The added value of the digital economy now accounts for over 40% of the city's total Gross Regional Product (GRP).

● 全市地區(qū)生產(chǎn)總值先后跨越兩個萬億臺階、突破4萬億元

The city's GRP tops four trillion yuan after passing the second and the third trillion-yuan marks in succession.



We have steadily advanced socialist democracy and rule of law by practicing the whole-process people's democracy.

● 法治中國首善之區(qū)建設持續(xù)深化

Progress has been made in turning Beijing into a pacesetter of rule of law in China.



We have significantly improved the eco-environment by making massive conservation efforts.

● 空氣質量首次全面達標

The air quality in Beijing has met all the standards for the first time.

● 國考劣V類斷面全面消除

The quality of cross-sections of water bodies is above Class V in the national surface water assessment.

● 密云水庫蓄水量創(chuàng)歷史新高

The volume of water in the Miyun Reservoir has reached an all-time high.

● 國家植物園正式掛牌

China Botanical Garden was officially opened.



We have improved urban management with meticulous efforts, meeting the expectations of our people.

● 打造了一批“有里有面”的精品街巷

We have upgraded a number of streets and alleys in both interior and exterior.

● 生活垃圾分類成為新風尚,黨建引領物業(yè)管理體系基本形成

Waste sorting has become a public practice, and the Party-led property management system has taken initial shape.



We have deepened reform and opening-up, thus instilling greater momentum and vitality into Beijing's development.

● 營商環(huán)境走在全國前列

Beijing became a national pacesetter in improving business environment.

● 北京證券交易所順利開市

The Beijing Stock Exchange was established and began trading.

● 中關村論壇、金融街論壇成為國家開放發(fā)展的重要平臺

The Zhongguancun Forum and the Financial Street Forum have become major platforms for China's opening-up and development.



We have continuously improved people's well-being, and our people are more satisfied with their lives.

● 創(chuàng)新開展吹哨報到、接訴即辦,并向主動治理深化

We have put in place an innovative mechanism of giving quick answers to calls made by residents and swift response to public complaints, and become more proactive in solving problems.

● 一大批群眾身邊的操心事、煩心事、揪心事得到解決

A large number of public concerns have been addressed.



We have made every effort to guard against various risks and meet challenges, thus maintaining social harmony and stability in the capital.

● 群眾安全感創(chuàng)歷史最好水平

Our people feel safer and more secure than in the past.



We have fulfilled the political responsibilities of ensuring that the Party supervises its conduct and enforces strict self-discipline, thus continuously strengthening Party discipline.



We have delivered quality services to a series of major events, including celebrations of the 70th anniversary of the People's Republic of China and celebrations of the centenary of the Communist Party of China.



We presented the world with an unparalleled Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games and Beijing has thus become the first and the only city in the world that has hosted both the Summer and Winter Olympics.



We have made every effort to battle Covid-19. We have remained firm in implementing the swift Covid-19 clearance policy and prevailed over multiple waves of cluster cases.


What we have learned from the past five years


● 必須牢記看北京首先要從政治上看

We must bear in mind that Beijing is judged first and foremost by its political stance.

● 必須牢固堅守首都城市戰(zhàn)略定位,堅持把“四個中心”“四個服務”作為引領城市發(fā)展的定向標

We must keep in mind the strategic status of Beijing as China's capital and develop the city according to its role as the four centers that delivers four services.

● 必須把新發(fā)展理念貫穿到首都發(fā)展各領域和全過程

We must apply the new development philosophy to all areas throughout the capital's development.

● 必須大力推進高水平改革開放

We must promote high-standard reform and opening-up.

● 必須始終把人民對美好生活的向往作為奮斗目標

We must strive to meet people's expectations for a better life.

● 必須堅持穩(wěn)中求進總基調

We must act on the general principle of making progress while ensuring a steady performance.

● 必須堅持黨要管黨、全面從嚴治黨

We must see that the Party exercises effective self-supervision and strict self-discipline in every respect.


Beijing's development in the new era



The fundamental task facing us on the new journey is to boost Beijing's development in the new era.


Development goals for the next five years



Further strengthen Beijing's strategic role as the four centers;

Make new headway in building Beijing into a world-class cosmopolis that is harmonious and livable;

Steadily advance Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development;

Further enhance Beijing's overall strength and competitiveness;

Improve Beijing's overall living environment;

Make new progress toward common prosperity; and 

Lay a solid foundation for Beijing to lead the country in basically achieving socialist modernization.

● 首都功能顯著提升

Enhance the functions of Beijing as the capital city

● 經(jīng)濟發(fā)展質量顯著提升

Improve economic performance

● 京津冀協(xié)同發(fā)展水平顯著提升

Promote Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development

● 民生福祉顯著提升

Improve people's well-being

● 生態(tài)文明顯著提升

Strengthen ecological conservation

● 首都治理能力顯著提升

Raise the governance capacity of Beijing as the capital

● 黨的建設水平顯著提升

Strengthen the Party


Major tasks for the next five years



Strengthening the functions of four centers of Beijing and improving its four services in keeping with its strategic position as China's capital



Embracing China's new development dynamics and facilitating them to pursue high-quality economic development

● 培育更多獨角獸、“專精特新”企業(yè)和智能制造標桿工廠

We will foster more unicorn companies, specialized, high-end and innovation-driven businesses that provide distinctive products or services and benchmark factories in smart manufacturing.

● 建設數(shù)字貿易港、城市超級算力中心,辦好國際大數(shù)據(jù)交易所

We will build a digital trade port, establish super-computing centers for the city and develop the Beijing International Big Data Exchange to a high standard.

● 打造一流國際航空“雙樞紐” 

We will build the Beijing Capital International Airport and the Beijing Daxing International Airport into world-class aviation hubs.



Advancing coordinated development between Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei through relocation of functions non-essential to Beijing's role as the capital

● 全面創(chuàng)建基本無違法建設區(qū)

We will see that districts in Beijing are generally free of illegal buildings.

● 推動城市副中心框架基本成型,推進環(huán)球主題公園二三期工程

We will strive to complete the basic framework of the BMC and advance Phase II and III of the Universal Beijing Resort.

● 構建現(xiàn)代化首都都市圈

We will develop a modern metropolitan area for greater Beijing.

● 做好后冬奧文章

We will fully tap the Olympic legacy.



Acting on the people-centered development philosophy, ensuring and improving people's well-being at a higher level

● 促進優(yōu)質醫(yī)療資源均衡布局

Quality medical resources will be more evenly distributed.

● 逐步擴大中等收入群體規(guī)模

We will gradually expand the middle-income group.

● 堅持不懈抓好常態(tài)化疫情防控

We will spare no effort to conduct Covid-19 control on a regular basis.

● 深化接訴即辦改革

We will deepen reform to ensure the performance of the mechanism of giving swift response to public complaints.



Pursuing green development and improving the ecological environment

● 推進產(chǎn)業(yè)結構綠色低碳轉型

We will make economic sectors green and low-carbon.

● 協(xié)同控制PM2.5和臭氧污染

We will control both PM 2.5 and ozone pollution.

● 除核心區(qū)外各區(qū)全部創(chuàng)建國家森林城市

We will see that all districts, except the core zone, will meet the national forest city standards.



Advancing socialist democracy and leading the country in practicing the rule of law



Developing a good understanding of how to govern a super-large city and continuously modernizing the governance of Beijing

● 持續(xù)開展城市體檢評估

Regular checkups and evaluations of the city's infrastructure will continue.

● 加強城市基礎設施建設

We will upgrade the city's infrastructure.

● 用好“朝陽群眾”“西城大媽”等群眾力量

Voluntary public order supervisors will be fully mobilized.



Ensuring both development and security and resolutely safeguarding security and stability of Beijing


Party leadership



Strengthening Party leadership over work in all areas in Beijing and exercising full and strict self-discipline over Party organizations


英文版:Highlights of the Report to the 13th Beijing Municipal Congress of the Communist Party of China

轉載請注明來自浙江中液機械設備有限公司 ,本文標題:《【Bilingual】北京市第十三次黨代會報告極簡版》





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